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  • Sorry it's been a few days, but we're paired for CAP Seasonals. I'm GMT -5 and ideally we can play sometime at nigh. Any day other than Thursday works fine.
    I'm gmt -4, so not that far off, and I also am good to play pretty much any night other than Thursday. Tomorrow would probably be ideal for me, but if you see me on any other time there is a good chance I could play whenever.
    Tomorrow night then works for both of us, so let's do it then.
    Hi. I should be able to battle almost any time the rest of the night. I see you are in the CAP discord room, so if you don't see me on PS whenever you are available, just shoot me a message over there, and I should be able to get on PS quickly.
    We have CAP First Blood, just got back into town. I'm free most of the weekend aside from tomorrow night 6-9 (CST).
    I don't want to clutter the Tomohawk thread, jasnumbers, but isn't Tomohawk a cat?
    yo highlander (u have rose i have p2, i think we didn't get tagged), i'm gmt-5, i might be able to play tonight if i finish my set (since i see you seem to be active rn), otherwise we can sschedule for friday/weekend
    Hi o.o We've got to play for Survivor, and since I didn't see you today (yet) online, I'm just going to tell you that I'm GMT -7. We're pretty close time-wise, so it shouldn't be a problem too much. Tomorrow I'm busy until about 4:30 - 5:00 my time, but after that I'll try and be on to catch you. If we need to go to Tuesday, then I'm free any time after 3:00 really.
    I should be available tomorrow at those times. I work until 4, but that's only 2 for you, and I'm pretty much free anytime after that (and I'm always up late) so we should have plenty of overlap.
    Hi, we need to play for CAP Survivor :D I'm GMT and sometime this afternoon for me would be best - preferably before 8pm. Hope that's ok with you :)
    Well, I'm GMT-5, so I believe that means 8 pm for you is 3 pm for me, or a little over an hour from now. I'm online now, and can certainly be available for the next hour.
    Sorry, a load of stuff came up irl today and I missed the time you were online. Tomorrow I'm free from 3:30pm GMT for about an hour and then from 7pm for another hour or so. Hope you can make it, sorry again that I missed you today and that I'm not available much tomorrow :/
    Hey, CAP metagame survivor sign ups just got started, and you seem like someone who might be interested.
    Is there any requirements for voting on the CAP movepool thread?
    Not really. If you are a Smogon member, you are allowed to have a vote in any of our polls. So, if you are interested in the movepools, feel free to cast a vote. Just make sure you read all the rules in the OP of the voting thread.
    When would you like to play for cappt? i'm gmt -7.
    Hi. My timezone is gmt-4, and I should be available most of the rest of the weekend. I'm usually up fairly late as well, if that helps. Just let me know when is good for you, and I can probably make it.
    I'll keep an eye out for you in cap today.
    almost 2 years with that avatar huh
    Something like that. I used to change it far more but I just keep forgetting to do so.
    Do you think you'll be able to outlast Mekkah? he has had his going since around November 2013 if I remember correctly
    Arceus formes have their usage stats calculated separately, and (although a bit different, but the same principle of self-competition applies) Rotom formes are tiered separately as well.
    I realize that megas can't enter battle in their mega'd form and etc. but from a statistics standpoint, is the self-competition affecting megas different from what Arceus/Rotom faces, or would you want to tier those using a different stats system as well?
    I personally do consider those to be different, because they can enter in a different form. Fire Arceus usage is distinct from Water Arceus usage, since one cannot be the other. On the other hand, all Mega Alakazam usage is a component of base Alakazam usage, and thus by measuring them separately, you are taking away Alakazam usage, despite the fact that it was in fact used in battle.
    Oh darn, we have a BW2 CAPTT match to do. When are you up for it? I won't be able to do it until tomorrow fyi.
    Well, aparantly we have until Thursday now, but I can do tonight if you are available, or pretty much any other evening. Maybe sometime during the day tomorrow as well.
    Meh, I cba to do it. Just take the activity win.
    hey do you go to rpi by any chance? i was reading old threads and saw that you go to school in albany and i was trying to see if any other smogoners go to rpi
    oh damn, just missed you. i know there are more dudes because the pokemon club here follows every smogon rule for singles. like for halloween there was UU tournament. and everyone plays on showdown instead of nintendo ds. ill find some more dudes!
    Oh, huh, didn't know there was an active Pokemon club. I remember one year when I was there (don't remember which) some people tried to start one up, and I went to it, but it seemed to die out after a few weeks. If it got started back up while I was there, then unfortunately I missed it. Either way, cool to know its a thing now.
    yeah, every saturday night there is an: ou tourney, then uu next week, then ru next week, then nu, etc etc
    alright so just tell me when youre available and we can battle for week 1, I can make just about anytime open with enough notice
    I can usually do any time in the evenings (EST), though Tuesday, Friday and the weekend, I am free pretty much all day.
    After mulling it over, I'll ask that you not slate my concept. It was really intended to be used with a regular (non-Mega) Pokemon; even if it was to be used with a mega mon, the fact that we're trying to make the base forme viable too is reason enough for me to doubt the concept.
    i say GZ but i don't envy you lol good luck
    Thanks, lol. Part of me is like "yay I'm TL" while another part is like "what the hell are you doing?" This should be interesting.
    jas, when would you like to battle for botw? The latest I could battle in your timezone (EST I assume) is about 5 PM due to my wonky timezone.
    Hey, sorry for the lack of response. I got suddenly busy for a little while. Anyways, assuming we can still get this done, I can pretty much do any time today, though earlier is probably better.
    I'm on PS now, can wait for a while (until about 4 PM I suppose).
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