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  1. Duskfall98

    A Peaceful Week for the Town of Salem - WON BY THE MAFIA AND THE WITCH

    Gg everyone, I did basically nothing and I think ehmcee did a great job running the game. It was interesting to see tos brought to forum mafia. I agree with jalmont re: the variance stuff, I think there’s obviously a lot of luck in tos based on rand, but I do think it’s winnable from both sides...
  2. Duskfall98

    NOC [Semi-OC] A Peaceful Week for the Town of Salem - Signups

    I sent everyone a placeholder dm "hi", ehmcee will follow up with your actual role pm later (this is just because I can bypass the start a new dm 5 minute cooldown)
  3. Duskfall98

    [Semi-OC] Big City Mafia 2 - Signups

    Stick me as sub, or spectator if there’s enough ahead of me that I’m not going to get subbed in ever realistically
  4. Duskfall98

    Improving the Circus Maximus Queue

    I think in reality there’s two player groups currently from my perspective: NOC + OC players Just OC players With some limited exceptions. So far the two big games have had probably close to an even split of those two groups making the game, zorbees current signups is roughly 2/3 the people...
  5. Duskfall98

    Hey can we stop driving buses?

    Bus driver and redirector, along with other forms of these roles are very common in standard role madness for noc and eimm and I think these probably can be expected in most ocs too since they are role madness. That being said, I actually think high priority roles are debatably stronger than...
  6. Duskfall98

    Invitation to the Mafia Championship (Season 11)

    honestly I had forgotten celever even went
  7. Duskfall98

    Big Mafia Mafia 3 - Game Over, Big City + A Fairy + Ditto Win!

    Broke yeti: we will take hard clear people and funnel all info to them allowing them to completely control the game, limiting errors and allowing us the Poe out mafia in the most consistent and controlled way possible woke dle: hey mafia tell me who you are please
  8. Duskfall98

    Big Mafia Mafia 3 - Game Over, Big City + A Fairy + Ditto Win!

    1 vote Mississippi 2 vote Mississippi 3 vote mississippi (vote Mississippi)
  9. Duskfall98

    Big Mafia Mafia 3 - Game Over, Big City + A Fairy + Ditto Win!

    reminder im leading the pikachu faction so claim to me if you want to be recruited
  10. Duskfall98

    Big Mafia Mafia 3 - Game Over, Big City + A Fairy + Ditto Win!

    Aura Guardian SB. Da Letter El you guys sure you aren’t actually miller instead?
  11. Duskfall98

    Big Mafia Mafia 3 - Game Over, Big City + A Fairy + Ditto Win!

    Lots of miller claims coming out in the chat :wo: