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  1. ZirconSubway

    CAP 18 CAP 18 - Part 8 - Art Poll 3

  2. ZirconSubway

    CAP 18 CAP 18 - Part 8 - Art Poll 2

    GolurkYourself Magistrum
  3. ZirconSubway

    CAP 18 CAP 18 - Part 8 - Art Poll 1

    Gun6 Magistrum Cretacerus Mos-Quitoxe Flame_Effigy GolurkYourself Doran Dragon paintseagull ZirconSubway Bummer TeamNormalizer viiragon Chaos Wolf BonzaiRob Quanyails To anyone not on this list, I sincerely apologize. In all honesty, I went to the point of ranking every last single person who...
  4. ZirconSubway

    CAP 18 CAP 18 - Part 7 - Secondary Ability Poll 1

    Infiltrator Mold Breaker No Competitive Ability
  5. ZirconSubway

    CAP 18 CAP 18 - Art Submissions

    Just wanted to say this real quick, I will be adding/editing more to this post later in the form of comments and supporting art, just so as to not make this a wasted post. However, first off, to anyone who has posted a final submission, please check Quanyails's post on the first page with your...
  6. ZirconSubway

    The Baker's Canvas (ZirconSubway's Art Thread)

    So, assuming my math is correct, it has now been about three weeks-ish since the last update to this thread, something that will likely be happening more often seeing as of to how little traction this thread so far has gained. Regardless, while I have both been sick and gone on vacation during...
  7. ZirconSubway

    CAP 18 CAP 18 - Art Submissions

    Final Submission Dolphins, Sea Spirits, and Homunculi oh my! I have a feeling this post will be overshadowed by a bunch of others, plus I won't be able to get supporting art up until tomorrow, (or fix the tail shading, sorry Quanyails) but, oh well. This overall main design is pretty much...
  8. ZirconSubway

    CAP 18 CAP 18 - Part 6 - Stat Spread Poll 2

    Scoopapa alexwolf wh0sy0urpapa
  9. ZirconSubway

    CAP 18 CAP 18 - Part 6 - Stat Spread Poll 1

    hendrix96 Clankenator007 alexwolf jas61292
  10. ZirconSubway

    CAP 18 CAP 18 - Art Submissions

    Here it is. Now with high end, HD, technicolor shadows!!1! (huehuehue) Anyway, this will likely be my last update prior to my soon to come, Final Submission, so hey. Figure I'll take any feedback on the shading and such, post some final comments as service to anyone wanting to hear my input...
  11. ZirconSubway

    CAP 18 CAP 18 - Part 4 - Primary Ability Poll 1

    Regenerator Contrary Bulletproof Analytic
  12. ZirconSubway

    CAP 18 CAP 18 - Art Submissions

    So, long-story-short, I have been fine tuning the previously submitted Mantis Shrimp design in an attempt to try and make it both stand out and look like it's typings a little more (as per Quanyails and Hollymon's suggestions respectively). I won't be able to get this in as nice a resolution...
  13. ZirconSubway

    CAP 18 CAP 18 - Art Submissions

    So... Been playing around with the Mantis Shrimp design and things, and as of now, I got nothing. However, I would like to give some criticisms and such, apart from what's included in my first post, so I'ma try and reserve all personal criticisms to this post in particular. Here we go...
  14. ZirconSubway

    The Baker's Canvas (ZirconSubway's Art Thread)

    So, wow. Yeah. I've had literally no time in the past two weeks-ish to do anything thread or even generally art related, so... BIG update ahead. Well, fairly big. But still, large. New stuff! One problem I've been having lately, after looking at the majority of my work in post, is the...
  15. ZirconSubway

    CAP 18 CAP 18 - Art Submissions

    (Edit: The original being referred to in the beggining of this post can be found here.) What I have so far. This design in particular, is based off of the Mantis Shrimp, seeing as it's main means of attacking (IRL) is through a usage of bubbles which tend to produce temperatures ranging in...
  16. ZirconSubway

    CAP 18 CAP 18 - Part 2 - Typing Poll 2

    Dark/Poison Fire/Water Poison/Electric I feel as if I am betraying every instinct inside myself for not automatically voting for the type involving Fire, seeing as it works so well with this concept, yet this had to be done.
  17. ZirconSubway

    CAP 18 CAP 18 - Part 2 - Typing Poll 1

    Electric/Fire Dark/Poison Poison/Electric Fire/Water Ghost/Normal Any of these ideas work well with this concept in my opinion, however for me Fire/Electric and Dark/Poison are the most accurate ways (typing wise) for CAP 18 to do what it is supposed to do, to the best of it's ability. They...
  18. ZirconSubway

    CAP 18 CAP 18 - Part 1 - Concept Assessment 2

    Pivot. I've discussed a lot along these lines already, and am trying to stay on track and directly answer the question at hand, so hopefully this will be short. But in short, from a functional stand point, the only thing Latias and Lucario need is a third, viable colleague to do what they can't...
  19. ZirconSubway

    CAP 18 CAP 18 - Part 1 - Concept Assessment 2

    I do very much agree with what is being said here. I do like the point that Yoshuriken brings up about Lucario's limited movepool, as the solution provided, (that being our new CAP could learn moves to cover some of the bases Lucario could but won't always cover, given the versatility involving...
  20. ZirconSubway

    CAP 18 CAP 18 - Part 1 - Concept Assessment 2

    I agree. The way that I believe this thread has sort of turned so far, looking at past posts, is towards a common agreement that what makes Latias unique to this core, over Latios, is more so his Supportive and Defensive capabilities, rather than what he might be able to do Offensively. That...