Recent content by Ectoplasmick

  1. Ectoplasmick

    Monotype SV Monotype Cup I - Round 4

    1st match : - Winner : Ectoplasmick 2nd match : - Winner : Bka Onon 3rd match : - Winner : Ectoplasmick GG !
  2. Ectoplasmick

    Monotype SV Monotype Cup I - Round 3

    Won both (with some hax on my part, I'll admit). GG to Elyoss. 1st match : 2nd match :
  3. Ectoplasmick

    Before, if you can.

    Before, if you can.
  4. Ectoplasmick

    Hey ! Sorry for the delay. I'm GMT+1 too (Eastern Europe), and good for Saturday :)

    Hey ! Sorry for the delay. I'm GMT+1 too (Eastern Europe), and good for Saturday :)
  5. Ectoplasmick

    Monotype SV Monotype Cup I - Round 2

    1st match : 2nd match : Both won, but I just figured out my opponent was using both Walking Wake and H-Zoroark. Sorry not to have checked before...
  6. Ectoplasmick

    Monotype Monotype SV Cup - Signups

    In ! First Mono Tour in 10 years, took some time ;)
  7. Ectoplasmick

    Sorry, I rarely log in here, much more on SD. I can battle right now, if you want.

    Sorry, I rarely log in here, much more on SD. I can battle right now, if you want.
  8. Ectoplasmick

    Hello ! Tonight, or tomorrow night after 8 P.M.

    Hello ! Tonight, or tomorrow night after 8 P.M.
  9. Ectoplasmick

    Project Monotype Core Laddering Challenge (Challenge 6: Last Chance)

    Name : Ectoplasmick Alt : CC1Ps Garick Peak :
  10. Ectoplasmick

    Project Monotype Core Laddering Challenge (Challenge 6: Last Chance)

    Name : Ectoplasmick Alt : CCFl1 Garick Peak : Alt : CCSt1 Peak :
  11. Ectoplasmick

    Bug Reports v3 [READ ORIGINAL POST before posting]

    Another reason why Dynamax is stupidly broken. If you can abuse the 30% bonus with barely any recoil... Though other players noted it's not supposed to work this way in the main game. And 10% is still 10%, no matter the base number. But whatever, guess we're just all wrong.
  12. Ectoplasmick

    Bug Reports v3 [READ ORIGINAL POST before posting]

    Replay here : I didn't really notice before, nor did I know if it was in the main game or not. But Flygon, which holds a Life Orb, only takes 5% of recoil damage while Dynamax instead of the usual 10%...
  13. Ectoplasmick

    Resource Monotype Sample Teams

    Balanced/Semi-TR Ghost Team
  14. Ectoplasmick

    Metagame USUM Monotype Metagame Discussion

    I know how stupid these questions will sound to you and how dismissed it'll probably be, but whatever : - is the search for a battle on the ladder truly random ? It might sound familiar to you, someone saying how often (like 90% of the time) we get to battle our most terrible matchups... - will...