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  • VGC draft round 1! When are you free? I'm -8 but I need it later in my day because I work nights.
    I guess I meant GMT-7, oops. 4 AM my time is actually perfect, can we plan for around 10 PM Saturday your time? If you are not available for whatever reason at your lunch break, that evening for you will work for me as well.
    10 PM Saturday is perfect, so Saturday 4 AM GMT-7.

    See you!
    Hey, I'm ready when you are, my showdown name is zeretxea
    Hi! Gmt-4 for ODST, when?
    I'm on both SmogTours and Showdown Main
    Sorry I realised I miscalculated the timezones.
    Any chance we can play Sunday night, 7pm GMT-4? This time I double checked the timezone calculation (monday noon for me) and I'll be there

    If that does not work for you, or if you're not willing to reschedule, you can take the win obviously.
    Salut, je vais faire mon possible mais il se peut que j'aie une activité dimanche soir. Je te tiens au courant. Normalement je devrais être capable de jouer
    damn It’s been a while, my dear friend. Hope everything is alright, god bless old times
    Hello my friend!
    Everything has been good lately. I moved out to New Caledonia with my wife and my son (French Island East of Australia), we're enjoying the tropical life now, today is our first year anniversary!

    Pokémon-related, I stopped singles completely. I made the VGC jump a couple of generations ago and I enjoy it a lot

    How about you?
    damn, amazing brother :) im ok, still playing pokemon (sometimes), me and my girl friend moved to Rome. Hope we can talk again someday. I wish you all the best :)
    hi we play for vgc kickoff, I'm GMT-5, prefer Saturday afternoon or sometime Sunday but if neither work I'll try for a weekday. lmk when works!
    Hi, we got paired up for VGC 2023 kickoff tour. I'm (Gmt +1). When do you want to play? You can contact me on discord too. My Discord -FarceOfTheDeath#0001
    I messaged you on your wall almost at the same time, it looks like activity won't be an issue.

    I added you on Discord
    Farce Of The Death
    Hey, this might be late at night for you, but when are you free to play? I will be flying out to Germany on the 10th, so I will be unable to play all of that day. After that I don't know about my schedule. All of the 9th should be fairly open however; I am PST
    wow you're still alive?
    hi, sorry meant alive in smogon haha not in general - nice to see you around! hope you been good
    Ahah I know what you meant, I'm just messing around.
    Life has been great lately, my fiancée and I just bought a house, we're currently working on it (painting the walls etc) and we'll be moving in a week or two.

    How about you, what's up?
    That's amazing man!! Good luck with that, having your own place must feel great, very cool to hear

    For me past years have been good as well but I moved to belgium recently and during lockdown it's really boring.. so i was here again for the first time in 4 years. but i'm doing alright other than that
    hello vince, please schedule with honor if you have not done so already. The deadline is sunday (11/17) with a possible extension to next wednesday.
    If Honor can play Monday during the day or Tuesday around 5:30 pm t'es, otherwise no, I'm really sorry
    Monday or Tuesday can work for me.
    Monday at 3pm if you can, Tuesday at 5.30 it's fine
    Monday 3 pm is the best time. Thank you a lot
    what happened to retirement old man. havent spoken to u since the skype days of pocl 6
    We're scheduled for GSC Cup V. My timezone is GMT -4. I am available weekends from GMT 1300 to whenever in the evening. During the weekdays we would have to do between GMT 2300 to 0230, so unless that works, weekends after 1300 GMT is better.
    After mentioning the timezone, all times mentioned were GMT, military time. I saw your post on my wall, but unfortunately as I work on weekdays, I could not make it on short notice. Sunday is fine for me, 1100 my time zone, so 1700 your time zone. We can meet on smogtours, and my username will be asbdsp. Please confirm this appointment. Thanks! :)
    Perfect, see you on Sunday
    Cool. Let me know what Pokemon Showdown name you'll be using, before our match.
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